A market has been held here since 1141, and market days are now Tuesdays and Saturdays with shoppers enjoying browsing and buying goods from a variety of market stalls. Beyond the market place, there are many independent shops and eating places to choose from.
For a complete listing of Saffron Walden’s shops and services, please see the Saffron Directory or visit the BID’s website below and learn more about where you can go shopping in Saffron Walden.
The Directory is free and is available in booklet format, to in-person callers at Saffron Walden Tourist Information Centre.
Saffron Walden BID
Business Improvement District (BID) is a local, democratically elected organisation that focuses on delivering specific initiatives agreed on by businesses in a defined geographical area and run for five years.
In July 2018, town centre businesses in Saffron Walden voted yes to a BID for our town.
- BIDs invest in and deliver projects to improve the local trading environment, drive down business costs and raise the area’s profile.
- BIDs are led and controlled by businesses; they are independent organisations with ring-fenced resources and finances.
- The projects are funded by raising finance, principally through a levy. This levy is an investment by businesses in their future. BIDs operate for up to five years. Throughout the term they are accountable to their levy-paying businesses and must demonstrate how they make a difference.
For more information on the Saffron Walden BID, please see their website: www.saffronwaldenbid.co.uk

Venues for hire
There are several venues in the town which may be suitable for business use. Those managed by the Town Council can be viewed on the website www.saffronwalden.gov.uk
Other venues are available, and a current list may be obtained from Saffron Walden Tourist Information Centre. Please email for details.
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Contact Us
Please email us if you have any questions:
01799 524002
Tourist Information Centre
1 Market Place, Saffron Walden. CB10 1HR
Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday: 9.30am to 4pm
Bank Holidays: 10.30am to 1pm
(Easter to August only)